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Newbiw Question about Injury Recovery

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5 posts

Sunday 5th August 2007 at 00:09

Great site - thanks to whoever put in a lot of hard work!
Since I began training about 6 months ago, I constantly seem to be walking around with aches and pains. Generally stiffness, but I have hyperextensions (I think) on both elbows that are really lingering. Is this normal? I am in my mid 30s so was putting it down to not being so young.

Also, my jj training finishes late - I get home at 11pm and the last thing I want to do is eat, so I usually have a protien shake and lots of water, then bed. Could this be an issue?



1319 posts

Sunday 5th August 2007 at 00:17

Hey, welcome to the site and form, and thanks for the compliments.

I don't think the protein shakes are anything to worry about.

Do you have full stretches after each class and a good cool-down? Or just walk out the door after a good work-out?

The Admin Guy



5 posts

Sunday 5th August 2007 at 02:59


We certainly spend a lot more time warming up than warming down - maybe 30 minutes of warm up excercises and stretching, but probably around 5 minutes or so at the end of the session.

I will make a request to the tutor that we do a bit more than present.


1319 posts

Sunday 5th August 2007 at 12:34

That sounds fine to me actually, 5 minutes should be enough, obviously if ya wasn't doing any then it'd be a worry.

The Admin Guy



11 posts

Sunday 5th August 2007 at 12:55

Aches and pains are normal with any workout/sport. No pain no gain as they say. I would watch the hyper-extension stuff. One of my big things about training is the percentage of effort you and your partner workout at. There is a big difference in my armbar in training and my armbar in competition/real life. There is no need to try and take each others arms (legs, neck, etc.) off during training. If your having to fight armbars (submissions) at 100% every time you train, your going to feel the effects and it could end up impacting your training and even causing an unnecessary injury. Practice most of the time at 70-80%. Learn to tap, you get an armbar let it go and move on, work on transition and positioning, etc. With that said STRETCH. Before you workout, after you workout, while watching TV, at the office. I stretch on average once an hour some part of my body be it a quick arm or I sit down for 10 minutes and do a complete routine. Don't feel that your done stretching once you leave the dojo/gym. This will make most of your aches and pain go away once your body gets used to the work and you become more limber and in shape. You'll be feeling 20 before you know it.

Your toughest opponent is always your best effort.



92 posts

Sunday 5th August 2007 at 14:51

Are you not very flexible? I would stretch out a little more as everyone else says. I would watch your elbows an ice them after class. If they really start to bug you I would take a week or two off.

Are most or your aches joints or muscles? If they are joints then take some ibuprophen and ice them, for muscle: try running or light lifting. Toning your muscles will make them more resilient. Heat them before training, ice them after.

Blue Belt - Gracie JJ
3rd Degree Black Belt - Shorin Ryu
Red Belt w/ two stripes - Soo Bahk Do



5 posts

Saturday 11th August 2007 at 23:27

Hi Guys

Thanks for all the advice - I appreciate it!