Author | Comments |
Spectator 7 posts ![]() |
Wednesday 9th April 2008 at 14:48 Whilst looking at a post regarding bob clarke the discussion turned into the effectivness off traditional jujitsu in a street fight.. |
Regular 92 posts ![]() |
Wednesday 9th April 2008 at 18:03 I disagree, I think Gracie ju jitsu is less effective in a street fight since you don't want to go to the ground with an opponent of unknown armed status or with multiple opponents. Blue Belt - Gracie JJ |
Regular 235 posts ![]() |
Wednesday 9th April 2008 at 18:41 I've some friends studying from a sixth dan from the wjf. They have become frustrated with the no sparring in class, and having sparred outside of class, realised how little they know. |
Spectator 31 posts |
Monday 14th April 2008 at 13:34 I personally think it's very effective in street fighting and that's why I started. Especially because I'm not as built as many other people in, for instance, my Muay Thai class, I feel it' a lot better if you can get someone in a lock or choke and control them until help arrives rather than stand up punching it out with them where it can only escalate. know your limits |
Spectator 39 posts |
Wednesday 16th April 2008 at 17:16 I think it all depends on how you train do you spar with your system etc.I you have never tested yourself under pressure how do you know what works.When i teach beginners i start from common attacks and give them a core of tecs which are easy to remember as most people who come and train ask for this type of training later when they have agood base i look at competition training but look a this ina different class as some people will cover both in the same class which i think can confuse a beginner as the tec can differ as a previous poster said it would be a bad idea to roll on the floor outside the dojo the darkside is more fun |
Spectator 7 posts ![]() |
Wednesday 30th April 2008 at 21:16 The only way I can see Jujitsu working outside of a dojo is in locks and throws. Lock your opponent to the floor and use breaks to get out of their holds if you're down. " Devils don't sleep - They watch you sleep " |
Spectator 2 posts |
Monday 5th May 2008 at 14:15 I boxed from the age of 10 to 18, and since that time, I've been involved in a couple of confrontations, one being attacked from behind in a pub toilet, and the other when I was mugged at knifepoint. In the pub toilet, I was knocked down from behind and booted in the face, but got back up to have my attacker backing off and cowering in a corner before someone came in and split it up. The problem was that being trained to dance around throwing straights was no use in the confined space. When I was mugged at knifepoint, my attacker told me that he was a kickboxer. I fancied my chances so had a bit of stand up with him, and hit him as hard as I could. All I can say is that crack must be amazing stuff, cos he didn't even flich. Anyway he was throwing all these spinning roundhouses which were easy to block, and at one point, I caught his foot. Now had I been doing jitsu at that time, I would have reaped his standing leg and smashed his skull into the concrete. As it was I just thought "oh I've got a foot" and he wriggled out before I could work out what to do next. What I like about jitsu is that it seems very well rounded, quite simplistic and devastatingly effective. My boxing was too one dimensional to be effective when confronted with alien situations, and I quickly ran out of ideas. What I will say about boxing however is that you do leanr to take a lot of hammer, and it's not so much of a shock when you get punched full force. |
Spectator 12 posts ![]() |
Wednesday 21st May 2008 at 09:28 as with any martial art it will take time before you'd call it an effective self defence method. Im finding im doing quite a good range of stuff from static to moving attacks with stuff like defending against chokes, grabs, holds etc as well as strikes.