Matt NZ
1 posts
Tuesday 13th April 2010 at 03:14
Hey all,
Intro first - My name is Matt and I train in Jujitsu in New Zealand. I was wondering if any instructors (or anyone)has any advice.
Has anyone during the growth stage of their club (or at anytime) established a comittee? And if so do you/have you gone so far as to create a strategic plan and translate that into an annual plan?
The reason I ask is that from research I've done, the most successful sports clubs are those that plan and prepare much like any other business/organisation. They have a clear purpose for being, long term direction and vision within its strategic plan and continually advanced the club towards its vision using the annual plan as a mechanism.
Hope that makes sense...
Any past experiences/opinions to share?
NZ Eagle Spirit Jujitsu